You’re driving down a rural road when suddenly a deer darts in front of you. What happens next—and the kind of policy you have—determines whether or not your car insurance will cover any damage to your car.
Deer season occurs from about October through December and drivers are more likely to hit a deer during this time. State Farm data shows that states varied in animal collisions in 2018 and 2019. The top five states include:
- West Virginia (odds are that 1 in 38 will have a collision with an animal)
- Montana (1 in 48)
- Pennsylvania (1 in 52)
- South Dakota (1 in 54)
- Iowa (1 in 55)
[See graphic:]
(1) Between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019.
Source: State Farm®
Find out the odds of having an animal collision on this interactive map:
The Type of Insurance You Have Matters
Comprehensive insurance on your auto policy will usually cover deer accidents, but you must have actually hit the deer to receive this kind of coverage. This type of coverage might help pay to replace your car if necessary. Comprehensive coverage steps in to cover damage to your car due to unpredictable events including hitting a deer or other animal as well as for fire, theft and vandalism.
Collision insurance, on the other hand covers damage to your car if you swerve to avoid hitting the deer and crash into another car, tree or other object instead.
Deductibles Still Apply
Whether you hit a deer or file a claim for colliding with another object, deductibles will be applied. You select the deductible, the amount you will pay out of pocket towards a claim, when you purchase comprehensive or collision
If your car is totaled in a deer accident, your comprehensive insurance will help to replace the vehicle, providing the maximum amount your policy allows.
Your Rates Could Go Up
As with all claims, filing a comprehensive claim following a deer accident might result in higher car insurance rates. The more claims filed, the more likely you are to have your rates increased because insurance providers consider you more of a risk.
Compare Rates Before You Buy
Whether you’re looking at getting a new auto insurance policy, get the best rates by comparing at least three providers. Get started by using the EINSURANCE online tool to compare quotes.